Dec 31, 2014

Famous paintings

Famous paintings

One of the highest honors for an artist to be considered and considered a master. Artists who wish to create artwork that will be remembered forever. Here are some of the most famous paintings of all time, easily recognizable by people worldwide.

Most famous paintings of all time in chronological order

Italian Renaissance paintings

The Last Supper, 1495-1498

By: Leonardo da Vinci

One wall of the XV century, held in Milan for da Vinci, the last Supperdepicts the final celebration of Jesus with his twelve apostles announcing one of them would betray him.

School of Athens, c. 1510

By: Raphael

The School of Athens (Scuola di Athens or, in Italian) was one of Raphael Stanze di Raffaello in committee in the Vatican. The School of Athens is considered the masterpieces of Raphael and is considered a perfect example of Renaissance art.

Mona Lisa, c. 1503-1519


Mona Lisa, c. 1503-1519

By: Leonardo da Vinci

This painting depicts Lisa del Giocondo, whose expression is well known by the enigmatic aura that emanates. The Mona Lisa is probably the most famous painting in the world of all time.

The Night Watch (De Nachtwacht), 1642

By: Rembrandt van Rijn

Rembrandt's painting of a city guard led by Captain Frans Banning Cocq place is famous for three reasons: its large 11'10 "x 14'4", effective use of chiaroscuro (light and shadow balance) and movement representation would have been a traditional static painting. Rembrandt finished the piece up to the Dutch Golden Age.

Las Meninas, 1656

Las Meninas, 1656

By: Diego Velazquez

Las Meninas or bridesmaids, describes a room in the palace of King Philip IV of Spain in Madrid. The painting is famous for its complexities of reality and illusion. Uncertainty plays the relationship between viewers and figures as well as in the data. These complex uncertainties received much discussion and analysis among critics and academics

Girl with a Pearl Earring, c. 1665

By: Johannes Vermeer

One of the masterpieces of Vermeer, painting uses a Pearl Earring focal point. It is sometimes known as "the Dutch Mona Lisa" or "the Mona Lisa of the North."